Teacher Call 2019B

Ibague University’s history

The Universidad de Ibagué is a private institution of higher education, non-profit organization, created on 27 August 1980 as Corporación Universitaria de Ibagué, CORUNIVERSITARIA. The Institution has judicial legal capacity number 1867, registered in 1981, issued by the Ministry of National Education. By Resolution No. 3304 of 17 December 2003, the recognition as a university was granted. Currently, the rector and the legal representative of the University, is Dr.César Vallejo Mejía.

The institution's mission is to promote the integral formation of leaders and entrepreneurs with solid scientific and professional training, with entrenched moral and ethical principles, and committed to the social, cultural and economic development on a regional basis. The University encourages, without distinction, race, nationality or sex, the vocational training to ensure the integral development of the human being and to contribute to the exploitation of the natural resources of the region and the general welfare of the community. It currently has 10 accredited programs of high quality.

In its vision, Universidad de Ibagué is seen as a qualified university at the national and international levels, and leader at the regional level, in the pursuit of academic excellence for the progress and development of the community.


a. The candidate's letter with reasons why he or she applies and complies with the requirements of the vacancy.

b. CV must be accompanied by a photocopy of identity card, academic diplomas, labor certifications, certificates of professional experience, publications, and research projects, teaching and extension experience (electronic links or copies with publication information of the project). In the CV, there should be the link to the updated CVLAC (for those researchers who are not Colombian or not living in Colombia, this requirement is optional).

c. Two academic letters of recommendation sent directly by those who write them.

All papers should be sent via e-mail to Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo..

Teaching Call Calendar 2019B
Ítems Date
Deadline for resumes CV application via email May 31
Publication of the pre-selected candidates who will go on to cross-sectional tests June 11
Cross-sectional tests
Test in the use of ICTs for teaching
Test of English
Aptitude tests
June 13 to 14
Publication of the pre-selected candidates who will go on to academic tests. June 20
Academic Tests July 4
Publication of the pre-selected candidates who will go on to interviews. July 11
Interviews - Teacher Selection Committee July 16 or 17
Results July 19
Work starts (prior recruitment process) August 1
Teaching Call Open

Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences

Economics Program

Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences

Architecture Program

Social Communication and Journalism Program

  • Full time practitioner of the Social Communication and Journalism program with an emphasis in teaching More Information

Design Program

Psychology Program

Enlaces rápidos
Notificaciones judiciales:

Validación de títulos y certificados académicos
Universidad de Ibagué
Carrera 22 - Calle 67
Barrio Ambalá
NIT: 890704382-1
Resolución 1867 de febrero 27 de 1981

PBX: (57+) 608 2795225
Linea gratuita nacional:
01 8000 91 0277

Ibagué, Tolima - Colombia
Recepción correspondencia virtual:

Redes sociales
Imagen twitter
Sujeto a inspección y vigilancia por el Ministerio de Educación Nacional